We Can Help You – Read On…

The majority of concerts we perform are for various charities and have raised a vast amount of money for organisations including The Round Table, Rotary, CHESS and various Churches.

If you are thinking of raising money for a particular charity why don’t you contact Haydn Price and have a chat? Call Haydn on 01268 493468 or email:

Men 2 Sing Choir Performances Have Raised Money For the Round Table
Men 2 Sing Choir Performances Have Raised Money For Rotary International
Men 2 Sing Choir Performances Have Raised Money For the Church of England

Helping You Raise Money for Your Charity

How does it work, how we can raise money for your charity or organisation.

We are an all-male choir who sing modern pop and classic male voice songs in a concert performance.

We organise the whole programme and provide all the technical know-how for you to make the evening work for your charity.

The music and the sound system will be provided by us and from experience, you will have a very enjoyable evening boosting your charities funds.

What do you have to do?

Well, you have to find a venue and negotiate the cost. There are usually a number of venues you can choose from, School halls, Churches, Village Halls, Theatres.

Men 2 Sing - Male Choir in Essex Raising Money for Charities and Organisations

The main task you have is to sell the tickets to friends, colleagues, neighbours, relations, and advertise in your town and surrounding areas (we can help you design a poster if you want).

Venue – men2sing – Advertising – Ticket Production – Raffle Prises (can be donated by local business) – Refreshments (optional)

If you hire a venue with say 250 seats and charge £10 a ticket you can take £2500. From that, you take out men2sing cost and the cost of the venue. What’s left is your profit.

Most organisations have a raffle which also boosts their funds. You can also sell interval refreshments, it all helps to boost your funds.

Ticket Sales – Raffle – Refreshments

Want to raise money for your charity?

Start now – give Haydn Price, a ring on 01268 493468 and he will discuss how we can work together.

Our Soloists

We can also supply soloists for the evening so we can give a balanced programme: Seasoned singers and instrumentalists, including leading West End performers.

For more information call Haydn Price on:

01268 493468